Under The Grey Lamp is radio show dedicated to exploring the depths of underground electronic music, emanating from industrial cities like The Hague and beyond. It is a sonic journey that transcends borders, time, and conventions as we delve into the pulsating beats and innovative sounds of the electronic underground.
Hosted by DSRPTURS, a DJ & Engineer based in Scheveningen, has been in the local underground radio and Club scene since a decade, performing for legendary Radio Tonka, Stranded FM and Bunker Label parties, at venues like The grey space in middle, De besturing, Club Laak, Le Quartier and WEST to name a few.
“Under The Grey Lamp” is curated experience, showcasing the evolution of electronic sounds across different eras. From the gritty and raw essence of Bass and Electro to the mind-bending rhythms of Acid and Techno, and the dark, atmospheric vibes of EBM and wave – the show is a melting pot of sonic diversity.
For the underground to rise and be heard.